
Jesse Danku, CEO of Advanced Alliance Media Integrates Prooflify on ALL of His Clients’ Landing Pages and Witnesses an Average Increase of 53.2% in Conversion Rate

Entrepreneurs in the past few years have been looking for the best tools for increasing their credibility online. Prooflify helps entrepreneurs get to another level using social proof pop up notifications.

One of Prooflify’s successful users is Jesse Danku of

So why do people need more social proof if their product or service is good? 

“Well, the #1 reason why people don’t buy from you is because they don’t trust you. So, it doesn’t matter how good the product or service is, until your customer perceives you as someone trustworthy. For example, before you’d buy something on Amazon you always check out the product’s ratings. There are too many scams and low-quality products out there these days.”

Why did you choose Prooflify?

“I researched for hours and hours the different software on the market and I was trying to find one that didn’t have a ridiculous price tag on it and a monthly subscription. I almost bought a very similar software, but that product’s ratings were awful and their customer support was very rude too. So, once I found Prooflify’s website and read through the sales copy I was instantly hooked, reached out to them and purchased within 15 minutes.”

Why did you need a software like Prooflify?

“I own a digital marketing agency and I am always on the lookout for levelling up our services and I also wanted something to add to our own landing pages.”

What kind of results did you experience?

“Actually, the software exceeded my expectations. It was super easy to install and it took just a few minutes to get used to handling it. We use Prooflify mainly for showing Latest Conversions and it works well on every single site we’ve used it on so far. 

And the results our clients are experiencing is also great. We’ve had a client who doubled the number of leads they were getting the day after implementing Prooflify on their landing page.

So, we got our money’s worth within the first week of purchasing.“

There are new features and updates coming, what do you think about them?

“I’m mostly excited about the Maps Integration. Doing local lead generation doesn’t require me to have this feature, but we’ve just onboarded a new client who needs national advertising, so this feature will come very handy. Also, I’ve just recently published my new book, Unexpected, that quickly became a #1 Amazon Bestseller, so this feature will definitely help increase my book sales too.”


“All in all, I am very happy with Prooflify and it has tremendous possibilities. So if you are selling anything online or know anyone who’s got a website with traffic to it, I highly recommend getting Prooflify, because you are leaving money on the table every day you don’t use it.”

@ Prooflify 2021